The ticketing official website for State Florentine Museums


The grand palace commissioned by the Florentine banker Luca Pitti, which due to its proportions dominates the Oltrarno district, is attributed to architect Filippo Brunelleschi. Its construction extended across four centuries around the building’s original central core, comprised of seven windows on two floors. The building was the royal palace of three dynasties, Medici, Lorena and Savoia, and only in modern times it was dedicated to three prestigious collections: the Galleria Palatina, the Museo degli Argenti e the Galleria d'Arte Moderna.
For about three centuries, until the Grand Duchy of Tuscany became a part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1859, the palace was the site of the most important events of the Medici family, followed by those of Asburgo-Lorena starting in 1736.
The most significant portion of the Palatine Gallery is housed in the six rooms on the facade of Palazzo Pitti and the rooms to the back of the palace that served as the winter apartment of the Medici grand dukes in the palace’s north wing. Passed into disuse, these rooms were used for the exhibition, from the end of the 18th century, of the most important paintings (about 500) present in Palazzo Pitti, mainly coming from the collections of the Medici family.

Visiting hours
Tuesday to Sunday: 8:15 - 18:30

Every Monday, 1st January, Christmas

Low season prices
from January, the 10th to February, the 20th / from November, the 10th to December, the 20th
Full ticket: € 10,00
Reduced ticket: € 2,00
Reservation fee: € 3,00

High season prices
from December, the 21st to January, the 9th / from February, the 21st to November, the 9th
Full ticket: € 16,00
Full ticket Early Morning (from 8:15 to 8:55): euro 12,00
Reduced ticket: € 2,00
Reservation fee: € 3,00

The tickets for Palazzo Pitti are valid for the Palatine Gallery, the Gallery of Modern Art, the Tesoro dei Granduchi and the Museo della Moda e del Costume